This past Children’s Day weekend {yes children get their own day here in Korea}, Gena and I took a road trip along the southern coast of South Korea. We visited Namhae Island, where we went temple climbing and had a relaxing evening at the beach.

Next, we drove to the Boseong Green Tea Plantation. Anyone that knows me, knows that I have quite the affection for green tea {and most tea in general}. So as you can imagine, exploring an entire tea plantation was giving me all the feels.

Unfortunately, it rained for the majority of our weekend, which cut our holiday {and this vlog} short. We had planned a hike, which we ended up tossing last minute. Regardless, we made the absolute most of the trip, creating memories to last a lifetime. I hope you enjoy the vlog! Details pertaining to each specific location will be up on this space shortly. And if you missed the last one, check out ‘Vlog 6’ here.

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