Each time I visit a new country, I make it a point to try that countries delicacy. In the case of Switzerland, it was all about the fondue. Before arriving in Switzerland, I had never tasted fondue. So I figured, what better place than the land of cheese, to try this melted masterpiece?

We arrived in Zurich, our last destination on the journey through Switzerland, to beautiful blue skies and fresh, crisp air. With only a day to explore {and price tags errrrwhere made for those of a millionaire}, walking was the number one priority that afternoon. We walked along every body of water in Zurich, and then some.

Cobblestoned alleys led us straight to downtown where I attempted to shop for a winter coat {after all, WINTER WAS COMING}. But let’s be real, I was overly optimistic. As I was ‘shopping’ my travel partner chose food {standard}, and lucky for us, afterwards the vendor gave us directions to a traditional fondue restaurant.

I must say, my expectations were quite high as I anticipated my cheesy creation. I mean, how can one go wrong by dipping loads of carbs into melting, fancy, swiss cheese? Well…

… sadly, I wasn’t impressed.

First of all, the melted cheese and small cubes of bread cost me nearly 30 euros. THIRTY EUROS. For cheese. And bread. But, hey, I get it. I love cheese. Some creamy bries are worth 300 euros in my opinion.

But this? This was bland. Tasteless. Lacking flavor.

Wtf, Switzerland.

I couldn’t even finish my ‘meal’ which was extremely unfortunate. I am a fan of Switzerland. You can read all about my love for Switzerland here.

But when it comes to fondue, I fondon’t.





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