Yet again, I was blessed with the presence of another visitor this past weekend. This time, my best friend of over twenty years arrived at JFK, ready for an east coast adventure. There were a few highlights to this weekend that deserve sharing. Even though the most entertaining moments included lying in bed utilizing snapchat filters and crying from laughter. It’s the simple things, folks. I was sad to see her leave, especially with the somewhat {okay, extremely} chaotic week I have had.  There is no better feeling than coming home to your best friend to vent, laugh, and drink too much wine. Continue Reading


Last night, as I hurriedly swiped my metro card through the 135th street metro station in Harlem, the ‘warning’ that my card expires on March 18, 2017 arose. Oushhhh. March 18th. A day that has held such an important meaning to me for the last three years. Each year it finds a way of exposing itself to me, just to make certain I notice it. Continue Reading


I use blogging as an outlet. The majority of the time. Of course, I would love for this blog to eventually become a plethora of useful information and advice regarding the different locations I have traveled to around the world. And I am slowly in the process of shifting gears and focusing on this more frequently.

With that being said, I want to always leave room for the personal stuff. The stuff that half of my readers will mindlessly scroll past to get to the guides, travel tips, and other useful things. But the things that I will be able to reflect on years down the road. While I am still ‘en route’ and still very much so dedicated to writing. Continue Reading


Over the last few years, I have slowly dipped my toes into the blogging world. It’s a big, big world with so many helpful travel sites offering tips and advice to any traveler, of any background. Solo travel, couples travel, traveling with children. I’ve even read an article titled, “My Top 5 Travel with Dogs Blogs”. This means there were far more than five “Travel with Dogs Blogs” created to allow this man to choose a Top 5. I mean, there is seriously something for everyone. Continue Reading

Recollections En Route: Love, or Something Like it

I have been dreading writing a Valentine’s Day post. I almost didn’t go through with it and made up about a million excuses {Why feel pressured by societies expectations of you? This tradition started as a creepy Pagan festival where they slaughtered animals and rubbed blood on women’s faces. The new 50 Shades of Grey soundtrack was just released, I must listen to it}. However, we all need to do things in life that challenge us. And writing this post does just that for me. Continue Reading


There is absolutely no denying the need for political participation in the USA, as of three days ago {though being complacent about involvement got us into this mess in the first place}. Whether you believe in our newly elected president, or not, there are many rights being threatened that affect our entire nation’s population. Continue Reading