Well hey there, it’s been a quick minute.

It’s been another extremely busy couple of weeks here in the big apple. Live music, happy hours with coworkers, botanic gardens, birthday celebrations, the Harlem Dance Company, and obviously BRUNCH. These are all things that have been consuming me over the last couple of weeks. New York ceases to amaze me with the constant {and I mean constant} opportunities that I find myself involved in.  Continue Reading


The last couple of weeks have included a plethora of ups and downs. A real roller coaster ride, if you will. Which I most often won’t. Like everyone else on the planet, I do not enjoy when my world gets completely turned around. Coming out of my birthday weekend, I felt unusually low. Many factors played into this feeling I possessed, however being a big girl now {26}, I felt the only way to get past the feeling was to simply live through it.

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Yet again, I was blessed with the presence of another visitor this past weekend. This time, my best friend of over twenty years arrived at JFK, ready for an east coast adventure. There were a few highlights to this weekend that deserve sharing. Even though the most entertaining moments included lying in bed utilizing snapchat filters and crying from laughter. It’s the simple things, folks. I was sad to see her leave, especially with the somewhat {okay, extremely} chaotic week I have had.  There is no better feeling than coming home to your best friend to vent, laugh, and drink too much wine. Continue Reading


I use blogging as an outlet. The majority of the time. Of course, I would love for this blog to eventually become a plethora of useful information and advice regarding the different locations I have traveled to around the world. And I am slowly in the process of shifting gears and focusing on this more frequently.

With that being said, I want to always leave room for the personal stuff. The stuff that half of my readers will mindlessly scroll past to get to the guides, travel tips, and other useful things. But the things that I will be able to reflect on years down the road. While I am still ‘en route’ and still very much so dedicated to writing. Continue Reading