Video: New Year’s Eve 2018 in Seoul

To ring in 2019, I celebrated at the Floating Palace New Year’s Countdown Party with GSM in Seoul. I squeezed loved ones, toasted a sky set ablaze with fireworks, and danced the night away. It was the perfect way to enter the new year, and one of the best NYE celebrations I’ve ever experienced. 2019 is already shaping up to be a year of promise, and I look forward to sharing my adventures with you. On that note, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thanks, as always, for following me en route.

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Video: Christmas in South Korea + the Last Week of School

This week I celebrated Christmas in South Korea. While it wasn’t filled with the normal traditions I experience at home, it was meaningful nonetheless. I can also say I survived my first year teaching English in South Korea! I am so proud of my little kiddies and taken aback by how much I’ve grown to care for them. With only a month left in South Korea, I plan to make the most of every moment. Coming up next, I’ll be ringing in the New Year in Seoul with some of my favorite humans.

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How to Renew Your American Passport in South Korea

I recently came across a predicament here in South Korea that left me clueless. My passport still had a few blank pages left, but my upcoming visas required usage of all of them. Therefore, I became a bit nervous about my 2019 travel plans. Would I have enough empty spaces for all of my future stamps in Asia? Would I even be allowed to enter {insert country here} without any blank passport pages? I decided it was time to say good-bye to my old friend, and welcome a newer, thicker companion. 

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Recollections En Route: What’s Good for the Seoul

It’s safe to say that my experience here in South Korea has been…a complex one. It’s been a year consisting of many different and connected parts.  For once in my life I went through all four stages of culture shock: honeymoon, frustration, adjustment, and acceptance. My dear friend Ariel wrote about this earlier in the year, and it truly hit home with me. And after nine months of living in South Korea, I can confidently say I have reached the final stage.  Continue Reading

Video: Autumn in Daegu + Eating Live Octopus!

Well we are rounding week four of being sick here in Korea… Eventually I couldn’t handle it anymore and went to Seoul over this past weekend. Although it was one of the best weekends I’ve had here in Korea, you can imagine it didn’t help in the slightest in terms of getting better. So, once again I’m laying in bed with my tissues and tea. I thought it would be a good opportunity to gather random footage I’ve taken these past few months and put it all in a vlog.  Continue Reading

Recollections En Route: Changing of the Seasons + Life Updates

Well, it’s Autumn here in South Korea. In fact, if temperature is any indication of the season, we are already on the edge of winter here in early November. Autumn is my absolute favorite season in the world. That is, with the exception of the holiday season in New York City. Regardless, as fate would have it, I’ve been stuck in bed, sick, for the past two weeks… And while admiring the leaves changing colors from the window in my small studio apartment is less than ideal, I’ll take what I can get.  Continue Reading

Recollections En Route: The Most Successful Relationship I’ve Ever Had

It was about hour… dramatic pause while I attempt to do second grade math… 13 in transit. I was on board flight two of the day. My flight from Daegu to Shanghai was spectacular in the sense that it lasted one measly hour, and I only got slightly nervous during take off. I found myself on flight two when I suddenly discovered something miraculous. Continue Reading


It’s easy to stumble upon an Instagram account filled with dreamy travel photos and immediately become envious. It’s just as easy to jump to conclusions and assume that these people get to travel the world, and therefore are living the dream. To some extent this is true – they are living the dream, or at least version of it. But it’s not the whole story.  Continue Reading